Dr. Julie Osborn, a therapist specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), shares her experiences in the field and helps her listeners; addressing the issues they face and the situations they find themselves in. CBT is a short-term, goal-orientated psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem solving. Dr. Osborn teaches how cognitive behavioral therapy can be used everyday in our lifelong pursuit of happiness.
148 episodes
The Power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
If you’re new to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or even if you’ve used CBT tools before, CBT is an incredibly powerful therapy modality that can empower you to make real changes in your life.What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?What...
Episode 149
How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence can be a powerful tool in improving your mental health, your life goals, and your relationships.What is emotional intelligence?Why does it matter?How can you change or improve your level of emotional ...
Episode 148
Why I'm Feeling Full & Grateful Right Now
Is there something that fills you with gratitude & joy?I got to have that experience recently and I wanted to share with you some of the wonderful things I learned.Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share with you some powerful to...
Episode 147
Conflict Avoidant Behavior & CBT
Avoiding conflict is a common behavior. Why can conflict avoidance be so damaging?And how can you use CBT tools to set appropriate boundaries and stick to them?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share with you the CBT tool...
Episode 146
Enmeshment & CBT
Enmeshment can happen in a relationship when boundaries become blurred.How can you avoid becoming unhealthily enmeshed in a relationship?And how can you correct things when it’s already happened?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as...
Episode 145
How To Be Authentic In Your Relationships
Why is it important to be truly authentic in your relationships?How can you truly know yourself so you can be authentic?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share with you some simple CBT tools to help you understand yourself so you can...
Is Your Love Tank Full?
We all experience life in unique ways.Do you know and understand your love language?How can you build stronger, more loving relationships in your life? How can you fill your love tank to the brim?In this excitin...
Episode 143
Personality Disorders & Parental Relationships
As a child, whatever your reality is what you believe to be normal. But as we get older we start to see our parents in the context of the wider world.If your parent has Borderline Disorder or Histronic Personality Disorder, how can you c...
Episode 142
How To Be Calm Using CBT
Calm is a seemingly elusive state that many people would love to achieve.What does it mean to truly be calm?How can you achieve that state?And how can CBT tools help you get there?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share...
Episode 141
Are You Happy?
Happiness comes and goes; no one is happy all the time.Do you feel generally happy and content?Are you living the life you want to live?What can you do if you’re not?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I talk about how to a...
Episode 140
People Pleasing & CBT
Are you a people pleaser? If you are, WHY are you a people pleaser?How can understanding the reasons for your people pleasing empower you?How can you be a balanced people pleaser?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share with yo...
Episode 139
Don't Take It Personally!
People can sometimes hurt your feelings.But how can you know if it was you taking something personally that wasn’t meant that way at all?How can you manage these feelings when they rise up?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I sha...
Episode 138
Jealousy & CBT
Jealousy can be a strong emotional response - there’s a reason they call it the Green-Eyed Monster!How can you figure out if what you’re feeling is jealousy?And how can you use CBT tools to work through your feelings of jealousy?<...
Episode 137
No Matter What Part 2 ft. Anthony Osborn
What does it take to really mean ‘No matter what’ in your relationship?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, and my special guest, my husband, Anthony Osborn, as we discuss the journey we took to be able to embrace ‘No matter what’ with another pers...
Episode 136
No Matter What & CBT
Relationships are difficult.Dealing with addiction and addictive behavior is difficult.Dealing with both together can feel insurmountable.Is there a key ingredient that can help a relationship last under seemingly impossibl...
Episode 135
A Tough Week & CBT
Some weeks are just tougher than others.Some situations can feel like too much for one human being to bear.How can you show self-compassion when you're feeling sad and overwhelmed?How can you use CBT tools to cope at these ...
Episode 134
Intelligence & CBT
Many people feel that their intelligence is set and there’s nothing they can do to change it.What are the repercussions of this belief? Do you have any control over your level of intelligence?How can you use CBT tools ...
Episode 133
Self-Gaslighting & CBT
Self-Gaslighting & CBTMany people have heard of or experienced gaslighting from others. But did you know it’s possible gaslight or manipulate yourself? What does self-gaslighting, or self-doubt, or self-ma...
Episode 132
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) & CBT
The highs and lows of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) can be challenging to deal with, whether you have BPD or a loved one lives with BPD.What are the symptoms of BPD?What therapy modalities can help?How can you use C...
Episode 131
Vacations, Holidays & CBT
Vacations (or holidays!) are amazing! But sometimes we can put so much pressure on ourselves to ‘relax, relax, relax’ that we end up needing a vacation from our vacation!So how can you get the most out of your precious vacation time?...
Episode 130
Behavior & CBT
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is equal parts thoughts and behaviors.How can you identify behaviors that you might want to adjust?How can you use CBT tools to adjust your behavior?Join me, Dr Julie Osborn, as I share w...
Episode 129
Attachment Styles & CBT
Our ability to relate to each other as human beings forms the basis of healthy relationships.What is your attachment style?How can your attachment style affect you as an adult?And how can you use CBT with your attachment st...
Episode 128
Are CBT Tools Worth The Effort?
The stigma of mental health has improved over time, but we all know it still exists. This reality, combined with the effort involved with therapy, may make you feel discouraged from learning CBT tools.Is it worth the effort to learn CBT ...
Episode 127